When going on vacation or traveling abroad, many people overlook the importance of packing before traveling in Europe. Many people pack for a week or two, but neglect packing for a one-week trip. While this may be alright for a summer vacation or a few sightseeing trips, it is much more detrimental when traveling in Europe. Here are some tips for packing so that you can enjoy your trip and leave with all of the items that you brought with you.
First, do not dress like a tourist. Wearing a baggy sweater, a fanny pack, or clothes that reference America will make you much more easily identified as a tourist when traveling in Europe. To not appear as a tourist, wear clothes that match the local culture of each place you visit– layering, scarves, layers, and so forth. It is amazing how many people fail to realize that the Europeans do not look at America the same way Americans look at Europe.
Second, remember that it takes more than just a passport to travel in Europe. Make sure that you apply for and obtain a visa before traveling in Europe as well. Not having a visa will make it difficult to enter Europe, as visa applications can only be submitted with a visa. Be sure to check with the authorities before applying for your visa so that you have all of the information necessary.
Third, remember to use an organized transiting lane when traveling through many different European countries. Using a regular lane makes it easy to miss exits, which is a problem when traveling in Europe as most airports have a special lane dedicated to travelers. Remember to pay attention to the traffic, honking, and other signs of traffic as you pass through each country. If you see something that may look suspicious, either pay the toll to enter the country legally or turn around and go back where you started.
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