The term optical imaging describes the process of using light as a method of investigation. It refers to the various techniques that use light in medical examinations. These techniques include optical microscopy, spectroscopy, endoscopy, laser Doppler imaging, and optical coherence tomography.
Intense optical imaging
Intense optical imaging (IoI) is a technique used for medical imaging. It is a widely used imaging method and has many advantages over other imaging methods, including high sensitivity, high spatial and temporal resolution, and minimal invasiveness. This article describes some of the advantages and limitations of IoI.
Intense optical imaging is noninvasive and uses non ionizing radiation, such as visible and infrared light. It is also safer than x-rays and can be used over again to monitor disease progression or treatment results. It is useful for measuring multiple properties of soft tissue and detecting metabolic changes, which are early indicators of organ dysfunction and disease.
Diffuse optical tomography
Diffuse optical tomography is a type of imaging that uses light waves to create 3-D images of tissue. A computer linked to the light source creates these images. These images can show how much oxygen or blood flow a tissue is receiving, or the difference between normal and abnormal tissue. It is particularly useful for soft tissues. This imaging technology is currently being studied for its potential uses in medicine.
Diffuse optical tomography is a noninvasive imaging modality that is based on diffusion theory. It utilizes a near-infrared light source to investigate optical properties in soft tissues. The near-infrared light has a higher scattering coefficient than absorption, which allows the light to penetrate deeper into the object.
In practice, diffuse optical tomography involves applying multiple sources of light. In a typical setup, a laser diode produces light that is split by an optical switching instrument and coupled to several fiber optics. This multisource scheme has many advantages, but requires additional calibration methods and computational procedures. It also increases the cost of the procedure. Alternatively, a single source of light illuminates a phantom. The collected signals are then used to determine the depth and diameter of the tumor.
Photoacoustic imaging
Photoacoustic imaging is a biomedical imaging technique that uses the effects of light on tissue to generate high-resolution images. In contrast to other types of imaging, this technique does not require ionizing radiation, making it a particularly effective method for diagnosing diseases and monitoring treatment effects. In addition to its diagnostic value, photoacoustic imaging also provides a unique method of molecular exploration of diseased tissues.
Photoacoustic imaging is an emerging imaging modality that provides a high spatial and temporal resolution. The technology is highly sensitive and is used to visualize tumors. It has been used in a wide range of medical settings, from clinical imaging to laboratory research. The technology is becoming an indispensable tool for biological research, thanks to its high spatial and temporal resolution and functional optical contrast. Moreover, the translational potential of photoacoustic imaging (PAI) into clinical practice is growing. Recent applications include breast cancer screening and sentinel lymph node mapping.
The challenges faced by PAI include blind illumination in deep tissue and high ultrasound frequency. However, these challenges can be overcome by increasing optical wavelengths and ultrasound frequency. Another challenge is optical wavefront shaping, which requires focusing light inside living tissue. This can be a difficult problem because of the fast decorrelation motions and the use of genetic algorithms. In addition, the number of characteristic images may limit the temporal resolution.
Photoactivated localization microscopy
Photoactivated localization microscopy is an optical imaging technique that uses a laser beam to change the fluorescent properties of molecules. The resulting images contain only the active molecules. The remaining inactive molecules are inactivated, preventing further imaging of those molecules. This type of imaging also has the advantage of preventing diffraction.
The technique is similar to STORM, but uses optical highlighter fluorescent proteins to stochastically switch on a subpopulation of molecules. PALM also requires a sequential single-molecule readout. This process can reveal the precise location of molecules in complex tissue with high-resolution.
The resolution of a final image depends on the precision of localization and the number of localizations. In a typical experiment, more than 105 molecules can be localized per second. These images are termed “super resolution images.” These images have high contrast and are obtained by rendering each molecule as a Gaussian of two dimensions.